Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break!!!

     Over the first weekend of my Spring Break, I went to my cousin’s wedding in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a blast! There was lots f dancing and fabulous food.  I got to catch up with cousins and extended family that I haven’t seen in quite a while.  We left for Atlanta the Thursday that I got out of school and we came back on Sunday, so it was a whole weekend of numerous events and we were on the go the whole time, which was great!  For the rest of the break I hung out around my hometown, Greenville, South Carolina.  When I got back Sunday night, I got together with one of my closest friends who moved to Germany with her family for the year.  She has come to the states for about three weeks and I hadn’t seen in about seven to eight months, so it was great to get to catch up with her!  Because I will be on my own for food next year and have always wanted to learn how to cook, my mom and I went to a cooking class on Monday.  It was Italian themed so we got to learn how to cook a couple different Italian dishes.  Over the break, I have also taken three tennis lessons because I have become more interested in playing tennis since I have started going to Clemson.  I really enjoyed them and would highly recommend it to anyone who has the slightest interest in tennis.  In the midst of all of this I have been babysitting and catching up with friends here and there.   Lastly, I went to another wedding in Greenville on the Saturday before going back to school!  Although I may not have gone anywhere too exciting for my Spring Break, I had a great time catching up with friends and family that I haven’t seen for quite a while which to me is always a big treat!!

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