Sunday, January 13, 2013

Katie Anderson Advertisment Blog #1

     The ad below is a billboard displayed in Denver, Colorado, advertising for the Denver Water Company.  This ad is a billboard saying “ Use Only What you Need” and the clever part of this ad is that this company chose to use approximately one fourth of the actual billboard to portray it’s message.  They are clearly exemplifying the message they are trying to get across.  With this company being a water company, they are trying to ask their audience, which is all of society, to be conservative when using water and they are showing society this through using a minimal part of a billboard while still getting the same, if not a more profound, message across.  By using such a small ad on such a large billboard space, this will likely catch the audience’s attention more rapidly and it is more likely to stick with them, while reminding them to be consciences when using water.  With many natural resources becoming more and more scarce across the entire world, conservation and being aware of not over using one specific product or natural resource is becoming more and more important.  There are only so many natural resources that can be used before that source becomes extinct and with the rate of today’s society and how carefree many people are when it comes to natural resources and being conservative, many individuals are becoming scared for what may come of the future.  The audience for this billboard is not only for those who are under the Denver Water System, but for everyone all across the world who may see this billboard, whether it be on the road, driving by, or on the internet.  The message is still very clear and just as important to every individual who may read and see this message.  There are many different ads out there advising society to be conservative and consciences, but this one clearly states that you can be just as effective when using minimal resources rather than wasting resources that can be used for something else.

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