Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebook Profile Picture - Rebecca Leary

My Facebook profile picture was taken in front of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. The message of my profile picture is to illustrate my recent trip to New York City, so I chose this picture to do so because obviously everyone knows that the NYSE on Wall Street is located right in the heart of New York City.  It’s a very close up picture, but it succeeds in capturing everything behind me very well. If the people who viewed this picture weren’t able to see the background, they would not really have any idea that I was in New York City. This picture also conveys the message of what a good time I had on my trip to New York City through my smile, and it really captures of essence of New York City during the winter through the scarf in my outfit and the wind blowing through my hair. Elaborating on my smile, one thing that this picture shows about me is my happiness. Anyone who knows me knows that I am generally a happy person, and I wouldn’t want to depict anything different in my profile since my friends look at it, though I believe that it’s the norm to look happy in your profile picture. Another thing that I am trying to say about myself through this picture is that I really enjoy traveling so I am able to see and experience new things, hence a photograph of myself in New York City rather than just a picture of myself in South Carolina. My sister is the one who actually took this picture of me, and since she knows the sights of New York City (as she lives there), she acted as my personal tour guide and took this picture of me to capture both myself, as well as a little bit of the city in the background.

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