Monday, January 21, 2013

Talk Nerdy to Me - Sarah Anne Semke

I really liked the message in the “Talk Nerdy to Me” Ted Talk. I thought her message is important for all people to hear, that no matter what profession you are in, share what you know with others, it is important. As an education major the concept of sharing a diversity of opinions is something I want my classroom to focus on. I believe that encouraging students to share what they know not only broadens the minds of those learning but always helps the person sharing learn how to communicate their ideas in a way that can reach different groups of people. I took a public speaking class first semester at Clemson and it taught me a lot about how to share my ideas in a way that I cater to the needs of my audience. Our teacher did a great job of letting us share stories and diverse opinions in order to broaden our knowledge of one another and it also helped us practice how to share such diverse opinions. One of the parts of public speaking our teacher stressed was audience analysis. This is when you tailor your speech to appeal to your audience. I found this to be a very useful tactic. I have to communicate with people of all walks of life. I am a tutor to a sixth grader, I have to give presentations to college students and professors, and I have an eight-year-old brother who loves to call and chat with me. I cover all the ages, and each group requires me to communicate differently. I can talk to all three groups about the same exact thing if I wanted to but I have to tailor it to each group to please each audience. I have found this to be a very useful tool in everyday life as a college student but I also believe it will come in handy as a teacher one day. I can’t talk to my third grade students the way I talk to their parents.  

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