Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chelsea Green Pofile Picture

Well, considering that I’ve basically abandoned my Facebook, I decided to analyze my more recent twitter profile picture. This photo embodies a side of me that people don’t see simply because they don’t get the chance to know me. I guess the message that I’m trying to send with this picture it that I actually DO like having fun and laughing. I feel like people here are afraid to approach me for some reason. I don’t know if I come off as mean, or shy, but in reality, and as shown in this picture, I’m silly and love to have fun.
This photo also showcases some of my interests. I just recently taught myself to play guitar. I taught myself my first song the second day I got it. A lot of people don’t know I have an ear for music and can spot out a bad note when no one else would notice it. When I get really good you may catch me on library bridge flaunting my talent. Keep your eyes open for that. My shirt also has the Yankees logo, revealing my interest in baseball also. (The Braves are my team though; have to root for the hometown.)
The theme behind this picture is fun and in the moment. Just by looking at it you can tell I was really going Van Halen style on that poor guitar however my tongue being out is contradictory of the sappy songs I usually play. I guess that’s just a reflex pose that I often find myself doing.
The pink curtains in the background would suggest that I’m a girly girl, however, I LOATHE THE COLOR PINK. Those curtains were forced upon me. I’m not saying I’m a tomboy either, but I fall directly in between the two extremes; just a normal, baseball loving, guitar playing girl.

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