Thursday, January 24, 2013

Molly Barbieri Facebook Profile Picture

           My Facebook profile picture was taken over the summer at a park located in southern New Jersey.  At the time the picture was taken, myself along with my friends were preparing to leave for college and start a new chapter in life.  Considering this important information, I would say that my picture is a visual representation of how I live my life.  This picture portrays myself as adventurous, fun loving, and active.  I consciously chose this picture to represent myself because I knew that I would be meeting many new people.  This way, the new people who “friended” me on Facebook would have this picture as their first impression of me.
            The main focus of my profile picture is myself (as most profile pictures are).  Compared to the background, I stand out thanks to lighting and bright colors.  The sunlight focuses on me and the brightness of my red baseball cap and patterned dress suggest that I am lively, or that I “light up” whatever situation I am in.  Another feature that seems to stick out in this picture are my teeth, which are gleaming an extraordinary white thanks to the sunlight.  The focus of my smile suggests that I am enjoying myself and like to have fun.  Also, my big “thumbs up” definitely indicates that I am having a good time by appealing to the emotions of the viewer.
            The surroundings of my profile picture also send across a particular message.  The large catfish and fishing rod show that I was fishing that day and supports the argument that I am an active individual.  The background that makes up the setting of the photograph displays a lake, along with a beach on a very sunshiny day.  This setting alone sets a mood for the entire picture.  The outdoorsy feel and bright environment help lift the spirits of the viewer and send off a very positive feel.  With the contribution of bright colors, sunlight, joyful expression, and lively environment, my Facebook profile picture sends the message that I am an active and overall happy person.

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