Monday, April 8, 2013

Molly B TED Talk

            After watching Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk, my first impression of the presentation was negative.  I find myself to be pretty conservatively minded, so the concept of taking money from people you don’t know and calling it a “fair exchange” because you perform music just did not make sense to me.  Honestly, I am a firm believer in working hard for the things you deserve in life, and making a difference through selfless giving to those in need.  I do not normally support asking for things instead of obtaining them through your own hard work.  After analyzing the talk and really thinking about what had been said, however, my opinion did change a little.  I did enjoy Palmer’s belief in free music for the public, with only an optional fee.  It is true that true followers and fans will surely donate to the artist for her sheer abilities and inspiration.  I also like the idea of an exchange between artist and fan that is not mandatory, but an option.  I feel as though this “option” would bring the artist and fan closer and create a better relationship in the two.  As Palmer and her band developed, the more I seemed to believe in and support her ideas.  Although I was not a fan of her asking for money in the streets and “begging” to people passing by, her optional music fee was an idea which created a revenue that was not forced…showing the real character of her fans and followers.  Any artist capable of gaining that trust and respect is certainly someone who has a wonderful relationship with her fans.  Looking back now, I can see my views on this talk have certainly developed the more I have thought about it and analyzed it.  I certainly do not support standing on the streets asking for money, but the idea of a pay-optional music exchange is something that could inspire music artists and fans to grow their trust in one another.

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