Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Boy Scouts- Opposite Side

My topic is concerning whether or not the Boy Scouts of America should include homosexuals as members and leaders in the organization.  My view of it is that the Boy Scouts should not include gay people so in this blog post I will examine and support the opposite side, being that gay people be allowed in scouts.
                There are many reasons as to why the Boy Scouts should include homosexuals as members and leaders.  I think that all people can agree that the institution of Boy Scouts is a good one.  It helps boys mature and grow as leaders and become influential figures in our society.  Also, I think all people can agree that all people should be treated equal.  So with this, why would anyone not allow gay boys and men to be in such a great organization?  Homosexuals shouldn’t be barred from any opportunity to better themselves, so they should be allowed in scouts.  

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