Monday, March 11, 2013

Pro-Choice/ Pro-Life Movement- Barney Williams

A recent and common movement to the knowledge of most people is the Pro-Life/ Pro-Choice movement pertaining to abortion. I am going to encompass embryonic stem cell research into this movement as well due to the choice to research and the pro life side to it in that the research requires the destruction of a human embryo. I rode past an abortion clinic the other day and actually saw protesters out in front advocating the Pro-Life side of the movement. However in many instances the abortion could be the best option because it could ruin the lives of the parents and at the same time the child would presumably not have the ideal childhood environment to foster healthy growth into a mature and upstanding adult. A common misconception about abortion however is that many people do not understand the circumstances of the parents having the child. While it may or may not be killing a human life, depending on personal opinion, the lives of the parents may not be fitting for a child. So each situation varies and not all abortion situations are the same. That being part of the reasoning for Pro-Choice the embryonic stem cell research comes into this argument in that it deals with the destruction of a human embryo as well. This destruction however is for research rather than to simply avoid having a child. The research could result in massive medical advancement in that many diseases such as cancer could be fought on a cellular level. A common misconception is that Embryonic Stem Cell research is the only way to research this possible medical advancement while in fact there are alternatives. An example is through the induction of adult stem cells into thinking that they are embryonic stem cells. So abortion and embryonic stem cell research, while widely known, have foreseeable possible alternatives that would appease both sides of the argument.

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