Saturday, March 2, 2013

Counterargument for Spanking-Chelsea Green

The subject of discipline and spanking is a very touchy topic for many. I believe that spanking should be a justifiable action because it helps to establish authority in households and it has a positive impact on children’s’ behavior. However, not every on agrees with my views.
            It is often thought that spanking is a form of abuse that scars children in the early stages of life, and instead of fixing behavior it makes behavior worse. People say that it is a form of senseless violence. For example, if a child gets in trouble for hitting another kid on the playground, it shouldn’t be acceptable for the guardian to respond by spanking the child. They are punishing the child by doing the very thing that the child just did. This can confuse children and wont cease the behavior. It is also shown in some cases that children who were spanked in the early stages of their lives go on to spank their own kids. This spanking is “passed down” through families and may lead to domestic violence. Spanking is just a gateway to abuse. The fact that spanking is called “tough love” is something else people frown upon. Love is about being tender and kind and hitting is neither of the two. If you claim to love someone you would do nothing to hurt him or her, mentally or physically. There is also a strain in the relationship between guardians and the children being spanked. Fear is put in the hearts of children who do something wrong. No child should fear that their guardian is going to harm them in any way. Many people who were spanked as kids are also affected psychologically. They are often in and out of trouble as a result to this extreme form of punishment. Spanking has more negative outcomes than positive ones.

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