Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break!

Though I didn't go anywhere too exciting for Spring Break, it was still wonderful to be able to relax at home in Lexington, SC for the week and not have to worry about any school work (even though I had every intention to do some over the break). First off, the timing for the break was perfect! It just so happened that it was the same week that my sister was coming home for a visit from where she lives now in New York City. It was definitely nice to have her home and spend time with her! Also, my childhood best friend was in town from Ohio for the first weekend of break, so we got to hang out and catch up the entire weekend. She left Sunday morning, and I pretty much just laid low for the rest of the day.

Throughout the week, I babysat a few times for one of the families that I babysat for all the time during high school. It was so nice to make a little bit of extra money to come back to Clemson with. Other than this, there wasn't really too much to do, so my roommate and I decided we would go play some tennis. Because of this, we came up with the brilliant idea that we would sign up for intramural women's doubles when we got back to Clemson, so I am definitely anxious to see how that goes! On Friday, I caught up with the special needs kids that I worked with in high school, and then I left for Charleston in the afternoon to go to my sister's friend's wedding. The wedding was so much fun, and even though none of my friends were there, I had a blast with my sister's friends! We stayed the night in Charleston and went shopping at Tanger Outlets the next day before we left.

I was definitely sad when the weekend rolled around because I knew that the break was coming to an end. Luckily for me though, I had another surprise waiting for me before it was over. Another family that I babysit for and am really close to invited me to go to the Taylor Swift concert in Columbia on Saturday night because the dad decided that he did not want to go. My sister was a little jealous, but I was not going to pass up on the offer. The concert was pretty fun! I mean I went for free so I can't complain at all. That was pretty much the end to my break, as my roommate and I headed back to Clemson Sunday afternoon to crank out the rest of this semester!

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