Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fast Food Baby-Chelsea Green

This weekend I chose to watch a documentary called, Fast Food Baby. The documentary was basically trying to reveal the dangers of allowing young children to consume fast food before a certain age. The documentary was set in the UK and followed around three families to see how they went about feeding their young children. They had children as young as 19 months consuming fried fast foods and sodas. The main argument that this film was trying to convey was that the early consumption of these foods could lead to anemia, obesity, a slowed rate of development in children, and many other health risks if consumed too early. The film brings in professionals to help consult the family on changes that can be mad to their children’s diets. They include scenes of the families shopping and showing what poor choices they make when they do so. They also grab attention by giving the families an idea of the future of the health of their children by warning them of heart disease, tooth decay, or even death. The film rhetorically supports their argument and appeals to any family with young children. They go into detail about how the conditions of the children can affect families emotionally. The film for the most part is very organized and observes each family separately. It chronologically shows the improvement of the children’s’ eating behaviors as they take on new diets, and shows the progression of the health of the children and the families as a whole. I am convinced but the film. Even though I don’t plan on having children any time soon, it left me thinking about the amount of fast food I put in my body and whether or not I will allow my children to even touch fast food. I enjoyed fruits and vegetables as a child, hopefully my children will too.

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