Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break- Sarah Anne Semke

My spring break was definitely a memorable one, but not really for the best reasons. I came home on Friday to a house full of sick family members. My mom, two sisters, and brother all had the noro virus. They were all in their beds with the throw ups, a fever, and it transitioned into a horrible cough and stuffy nose. This nasty virus was enough to knock my family out for an entire week. My dad and I were the only ones to escape the virus. He and I got to spend some quality time together while my siblings and mom were sick but when he left for a five day business trip Monday, I was left rather lonely for the remainder of my break. So rather than sit in my room and watch Netflix, as tempting as that was, I decided to start my summer job hunt. I created my resume first, which turned out into a harder process than I thought. I had no idea the intense formatting and detail that when into creating a proper resume. I then started the job hunt, traveling around my hometown of Winston Salem with my resume hoping someone was looking for summer workers. Unfortunately, I didn’t leave spring break with a summer job set up, however, I did apply for six jobs at various places across town so I am hoping for some phone calls soon. Thankfully by Saturday my family members felt better and I got to spend the day with them watching basketball and running errands. Though it was not much, I was still so happy to get to spend time with my family finally! We also began to plan our summer trip to Italy. We are going on this trip to celebrates my mother’s 50th birthday so she is picking what activities we will be doing. We have decided that we are going to spend some time in Rome and Vatican City. We are hopeful to be able to see the new pope, Pope Francis. It was fun to start planning an exciting fun vacation since my spring break vacation was less than exciting. 

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