Monday, March 25, 2013

Mariah Lawrence Spring Break

My spring break was great but pretty uneventful. I decided to spend most of my break relaxing because I felt like I needed it. I had to go to to the doctor twice to run tests on my kidney to make sure they aren’t getting worse. While I was laying in the MRI machine, I contracted some sort of monster cold so that took up a lot of my time. I got to spend time with my family which is always nice. I have a really good relationship with my mom and dad that I really really appreciate. I try to spend a lot of time with them whenever I get to go home. I got to see my boyfriend. I really missed him so that was great. Doing the long distance thing is hard but it makes seeing him that much more special. Seeing old friends always makes me happy. Most of them were back at school but I got to see a few that are really important. I got to eat real, wonderful, heavenly, food. It was one of the highlights of my week. Not having to eat dining hall food is always one of the best parts of being home. I had good pasta that wasn’t one of the most inconvenient shapes that pasta could ever be and sauce that wasn’t just tomato paste. I had pork tenderloin, my favorite meal that my dad makes. Yeah, I didn’t really do much at all. I got to see my dog and cat! My cat’s name is Gatsby and he is one of my favorite things on the planet. We cuddled together and watched Tim Burton movies and it was absolutely wonderful. My dog always makes everything in the world seem okay, which is exactly what I needed. I apologize that this was the worst blog entry ever, but I didnt really do anything worthwhile.

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