Sunday, March 3, 2013

Opposing Side- Barney Williams

I am currently supporting the pro life side of the argument pertaining to embryonic stem cell research and possibly abortion as well so as to have a larger area of concern to write about in my paper. So the alternative angle of the argument is obviously the pro abortion and research side. Obviously I will focus on the cons more so in my paper since I will be against this side to the argument but there are still pros to this side as well that i will address in the paper and discuss as well now. The possibility to a cure for cancer among other cell based diseases that reap havoc among so many people's lives would be a major advancement for the medical field on so many levels. The pro abortion side to the argument has its pros in that taking away the right to ones personal decisions is an invasion of privacy on the governments part. Those are the two main concerns when it comes to the pros. There are many other aspects to that are also playing a part as a pro concerning this side to the argument; however they are simply spinoffs of these main two points in my opinion that i previously addressed. There is a very blurry line when deciding at what point a fetus is "alive." Therefore the line is obviously a tough one to decide. But it has been set and that is what people have to respect. However there is still an argument pertaining to the legality of the ruling and that is what the pro abortion side fights for. The right to there personal decisions. There could also be more advancements medically speaking if this groundbreaking advancement was to ever become a reality. With the breakthrough would potentially come other breakthroughs in other areas in medicine.

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