Monday, March 4, 2013

Opposing Viewpoint - Inclusion

Regarding special education inclusion, there are a large number of opinions regarding the proper way on how to educate students with special needs. With the various number of reasons there are to implement special education inclusion in schools, there are also many different claims that people have against it. To begin, many people feel as if teachers are not prepared to teach in a classroom that includes students with special needs. They feel as if it is not possible for a teacher to be able to teach such a variety of students in one classroom without proper or special training beforehand. This claim stems from the fact that teachers will have to form a new method of handling their classroom, as they will not be able to handle their classroom in the way that they once did. Another argument against inclusion is that it is a disruption in the classroom and a major distraction to other students in the classroom that are not used to an inclusive type of environment. For example, it is possible that a special education student in an inclusive classroom could be triggered by something, leading to an unpleasant outburst in the classroom. With this disruption, a lot of people feel that the other students in the classroom are no longer receiving the equal education that they deserve because the teacher has to spend more time on the needs of other students. However, this is where the use of teacher aids would come into play in the classroom. Easily related to the idea of disruption, there also comes the idea of discrimination. People feel as if the students with special needs inside of an inclusive classroom can be easily singled out because they may possibly have more trouble than the other students learning certain concepts and grasping specific information.

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