Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break - Erika Funke

            For my spring break I went to Panama City Beach with my roommate and two of her sorority sisters. On the way to Panama City, I was pulled over twice. The first time I was pulled for driving 92 in a 70. I am now considered a super speeder in Georgia, and have to pay three hundred dollars. Immediately after arriving in Panama City, we were escorted to our room by security guards and had to pour out all of our alcohol and my roommate’s fake was taken. Luckily, I made best friends with the security guard (picture below). This was probably the unluckiest beginning to our first college spring break considering that everybody at that hotel was underage running around with handles, but we stayed optimistic. The next day we soaked up the sun on the beach and met up with other Clemson students. We usually had too much fun during the day and never made it out at night. I use to live in PCB and didn’t remember how trashy and expensive it could be… I’m not going to lie though, I did have fun amongst the crazy people in PCB plus we all agreed on being hit on by every disgusting drunk boy from Wisconsin and New York was definitely a self esteem booster. I highly recommend that everyone take a break from the stressfulness of college and go to Panama City for a spring break. The beginning of break led us to question if we would have fun, but the end was worth it. And after befriending the security guard, my roommate even got her fake back! It was quite the entertaining break full of fantastic memories, great friends and crazy experiences.  My only regret was not checking into the hotel as a twenty one year old.

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