Monday, February 11, 2013

For the Family and small scale Farmer

For the Family and Small Scale Farmer
By Hunter Fields

The topic I plan to research is reduction/removal of small family farms in the United States. Farmeaggedon is a declamatory that explains my topic well. Farmeaggedon is about small family farms getting raided by the USDA and forced to stop farming because of various reasons. They say animals are at risk for diseases that they genetically cant receive. They say the produces from these animals are dangerous and soon. That is not right and I do not believe that right and it is also violating federal law.
 The reason why I chose this topic is because it has a lot to do with my major and the things I grew up doing and enjoying and loving and I want to be able to do these things in the future. I had always had a dream of running a small family farm. To see that that dream is going down the drain because of who knows scares me and I want to publicize this issue and get it changed.

The main questions that I have that will help guide my research is why? Why is the USDA raiding small family farms and forcing people to stop buying locally grown food and forcing them to buy the generic brands? Why aren’t people concerned with this topic? Are people just going to give up and let the government take things from them that they have no right to take? What is next, are they now going to remove small farming and take peoples farmland and way of life away and force people to change and buy food that they don’t want to? Is this right?

My hypothesis on this issue is that this is wrong and it needs to stop. My source so far on this issue is the movie trailer for Farmaggedon. People should listen to me and take what I have to say in heart because its wrong, and it is taking away your rights and if you lay down on one issue you are saying to the government that they can take everything away form you. This is hurting a lot of people and if you like fresh food and you locally than it is affecting you too. The benefit of having small farmers is that it keeps people working and it keeps the economy of the small towns going and it provides you with fresh food to eat that is healthier to you and better for you.

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