Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Space Jam - Shelby Stephens

I had never heard about this video until this assignment, but I loved it. The kid president is adorable, and though he may be young, he has some wise words that I think we all need to hear. I think a lot of people nowadays really do need pep talks. It is so easy sometimes to get complacent with ourselves and our lives and we take a lot of things for granted. Like he says in the video, we just need to be happy we’re alive and that we have air coming through our noses. Also, I know at least in my case, I don’t always strive to be the best I can be. I should do everything to the best of my ability, but often I just do the bare minimum to get by. That’s not how it should be, I should choose to be on “the path to awesome”, just like kid president says. This also applies to what, after some consideration, I have chosen as “my space jam”. It is something that could be very vague, and I might not ever know I have accomplished it. This is why I should always be on my path to awesome. My space jam in life is to make a difference in someone else’s. It doesn’t have to be any kind of deep, profound, life-altering difference; I just want to be able to feel like I have impacted someone positively in my time on this earth. More specifically, I would like to help someone grow closer to God or to help them accept Christ. If I can do that, whether I am aware of my influence on someone or not, then I know I will feel like my life was meaningful and that I didn’t waste my time here. The kid president says in his pep talk that we’re all on the same team in the game of life; my space jam is to help someone be victorious in their game.

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