Monday, February 25, 2013

My Space Jam - Rebecca Leary

The first time I saw ‘A Pep Talk from Kid President to You’, my sister had put it on my Facebook wall for me to watch. Then, I started seeing it all over the Internet. I could honestly watch this video on repeat without it ever getting old because it gets more and more motivational every time I watch it. And really, how awesome is it that such a young kid has such an inspiring frame of mind? It really does make you question what your “space jam” will be. Personally, my space jam will be to make a difference in the field of education through a career in inclusive special education. My space jam of making a difference in education ties in closely with the topic of my research paper, special education inclusion. In my experience working with special needs students, I have come to see that they are truly the same as anyone else in this world, if not better. The students that I had the privilege to work with are the most eager and accepting people that I have ever met, and these students deserve the chance to be challenged and excel at a higher level in an inclusive classroom rather than being isolated in a classroom labeled “special needs”. Through my space jam, I want to work towards a future in special education, and then I want to take the knowledge I will have gained into a classroom setting, but I want this classroom to be an inclusive classroom. I want the chance to prove that inclusive classrooms can work, so that I can inspire other educators to teach in inclusive classrooms. From this, I hope more and more schools will move towards inclusive education. With an inclusive classroom setting, all educators and students will build because they will be experiencing learning by bettering themselves while also helping to better others.

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