Monday, February 4, 2013

Monotasking - Erika Funke

I’m not quite sure how to feel about this video. First, I couldn’t really understand the man due to the language barrier. Second, his mustache was very distracting and I could honestly only focus on the fixture of hair taking over his face. Last, it took me a while to understand his personality.
            Although this video was another unappealing TED talk video I decided to actually go through with the challenge of monotasking. My task was brewing a mug of coffee. In the beginning I noted to myself that this was not very different from my usual coffee brewing, but as I kept up with this task I noticed some strawberry flavored milk straws and it led me to grab a couple of milk. In the midst of grabbing this milk I stopped myself and realized that I had almost broken my pact to monotask. As I strayed away from the milk and back to brewing my coffee I grew extremely anxious to grab my milk. I was very surprised. I thought that instead of feeling anxious about monotasking I would actually take in how peaceful and simple brewing coffee was. Overall I did not enjoy monotasking. I think in the future when I have more time I will actually try to do a monotask with more depth and see how it affects me.
The idea of monotasking is actually very complex, but it sounds so simple. I disagree that the people of the world should try to monotask. As a society have evolved technologically, thus allowing us to have the opportunity to multi task. We have access to multiple devices and apps that can be beneficial to our everyday lives. I do think that monotasking a little bit might be a nice change for some people though because I do know a lot of people who are too involved in technology and less involved in the world around them.

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