Monday, February 11, 2013

Marijuana Legalization - Erika Funke

For my research assignment I will be investigating the marijuana legalization movement and if marijuana should be legalized. This topic interests me because as a college student I am exposed to a variety of marijuana users, and I am simply interested in being more informed on the movement. I will be exploring the controversial arguments and both sides of the arguments. I want to be more informed on the history of marijuana. I want to also gain more factual information on the topic as a whole, and I want to be more informed on the negative side affects. I chose this topic because I am not very opinionated on the argument, but know people who are opinionated. I feel like I could write a good research paper on this topic because of my almost neutral slightly opinionated mind set.  And most importantly I am extremely interested in gaining more information on this topic. As for a thesis, I would probably form a thesis noting the recent activity that has occurred in Colorado and Washington and address the recent progressions in the movement. I would present the topic from both sides of the argument. I can research books in the library concerning my topic, watch some documentaries, and even find news articles concerning the recent drug movement. Another reason I’ve chosen this topic is because it’s fairly common. I often hear about this concern throughout my dorm or on the news networks that my roommate refuses to turn off. I am writing this paper so that my readers are also more informed on the movement. I want my audience to have a better perspective on why this drug is illegal versus the drugs that are legal. I want my audience to fully understand why at this point marijuana is illegal and why it is on the verge of becoming legal. 

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