Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Space Jam - Sarah Anne Semke

I had never seen the Kid President video until today. I found it to be the cutest, sweetest video but also incredibly inspiring and touching. Hearing this small child speak about making a difference actually made me stop and think what my “space jam” will be. It made me think about what I want to do that children and adults alike will look up to and aspire to be one day.
            As I am an elementary education major I want my impact to be within the classroom. My goal is to be the teacher that changes student’s opinions on school and learning in a positive way. The teacher that inspired me to pursue a career in education left a lasting impression on me. She was compassionate, enthusiastic about her job, and cared deeply for her students. She transformed me from a shy, nervous fourth grader into a confident outgoing rising fifth grader. I am forever grateful for the impact she had on me and looking back, fourth grade was a major turning point for me academically and socially that has gotten me to where I am today.
I also want to change the lives of young students and inspire them to work hard and reach their full potential. I want to create a learning environment that will lead to the future leaders of our nation. I want to create a classroom full of future CEOs, doctors, and politicians that will lead our country in a positive direction in the next generation.
            I believe one aspect lacking in education is a focus on community building and helping others. Teachers get so caught up in assuring academic success that sometimes giving back to the community takes the way side. I want my classroom to not only focus on growing academically but also growing as good stewards of the community.
I hope that my space jam is the children I will help reach their full potential as not only academic students but also as compassionate, helpful citizens.

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