Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Space Jam

Throughout watching the three-minute video “Pep Talk from Kid President to You” I was up hauled by the remarks made by a smart kid at such a young age.  His reference to Michael Jordan and the movie “Space Jam” grabbed my attention because I studied Jordan as a young boy and his story helped me to over come adversity through life.  Like this young boy I really enjoy the movie as a child and still find it great as I grow up. My Space Jam could be a variety of different things and to find the one that will make an impact will be tough to accomplish but through hard work and a good attitude I feel as though I can make an impact in the golf world.  As many recreationalists find the game of golf as a hobby I find it as my future to promote the welfare of the game.  As a Professional Golf Management major here at Clemson University I am striving to become the best teacher of the game that I can be to help others succeed.  Throughout my childhood I always wanted to teach the game and to help many people in becoming better as well as increasing enjoyment for all players.  I am working on finding the best way to teach students of the game to improve by studying many different teachers of the game.  My curriculum through the next four years will provide a base to impact many people in the industry.  I am striving towards finding the true science of a golf swing by studying all different techniques and strategies.  Although no two people have the exact same swing in the entire world there are ways to create similarities to what is wrong and what is right within the golf swing.  Decreasing the gaps between different techniques to find the best way to teach is what I will try to accomplish as my Space Jam. 

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