Thursday, February 21, 2013

What will be your Space Jam?------Katie Anderson

      I would like to begin this blog post with saying how much I absolutely love, love, love this kid and video!!  This video is very well put together to get the point across that they are trying to which is to believe in yourself.  The kid president quotes from Journey “Don’t stop believing… unless your dream is stupid”.  Though the “unless your dream is stupid” part is not always included, this is something you are always reminded of as a young child and as you grow up and is very true! 
     Now to the question, “What will be your Space Jam?”   My space Jam for the future is to help a non-profit organization become well known and impact the lives of many less fortunate kids and families across the nation and over seas.  I love to volunteer my time to help others in times of need.   I have grown up in a family who has always encouraged me to be a leader and help those around me and that is exactly what my “Space Jam” is.  That is to become a leader at a non-profit organization that may be in the US or in another country, to do mission work of spreading the Gospel and help to make lives of others much better.  When helping others, rather than focusing on your needs, you receive much more fulfillment and enjoyment with your end results.  My main contributions to this organization would be my leadership characteristics and working with children.  I would help in any and every way possible, but I would try to stick to these two roles because I know there are others who are great with creativity and the other characteristics in running a non-profit organization.  Now I do not know where I would like to work because I am aware of numerous wonderful charities, but I do know that working with charities through mission work and bettering the lives of underprivileged children is my “Space Jam”!!

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