Monday, February 4, 2013

Jason Porter: Ted Talks Multitasking "Slow down, turn off, and tune in"

With all of the new distractions that are constantly being thrown at us day by day, it can be quite easy to find yourself caught up trying to do a whole lot of things at once. The problem lies in that, though some people claim to be able to multi-task and that they are able to do all of these various things at once, they actually are able to perform these tasks, but the quality of the “work” done is very poor and more often than not suffers. The tried and true saying, “Quality over quantity” seems to come to mind.
            After hearing this Ted Talks, I found myself very intrigued. At first I thought, “Oh, I do not really do much multitasking,” but when I truly thought about how much I am on my phone or my laptop while doing other things, I realized how many things that I attempt to do at once. For instance, usually when I type these blogs or do assignments other than studying, I usually have music playing on Spotify, have Facebook pulled up in a tab on the internet, and am either texting on my phone, or checking on my dragons in Dragonvale to be quite honest. Today, I decided not to pull up any music on Spotify, I decided to only have the Ted Talk video pulled up on the internet and nothing else, I put my phone in my desk drawer, and did not talk to anyone or do anything but my assignment. I noticed that I did not have to watch the assignment video over and over like I usually have to. Quite often I find myself having to re-watch them due to not really analyzing them while I listen; I sometimes am thinking about other things. When  it comes down to it, I was downright productive today. I typed this in about 15 minutes if you don’t count the time it took to watch the video, and I think that I realized that I can be much more efficient and effective if I would just slow down, turn off, and tune in.

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