Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Andrew Anderson Profile Picture

This is my profile picture.  Honestly, I don’t really even do the social network thing; I just have it because my girlfriend wants me to have one.  This picture was actually taken by her and posted by her so it’s not even a real expression of me.  A few things about the picture that are very me though and the hat and the button down.  I am always wearing a button down and most of the time a hat (although it is reversed in this class because I roll out of bed and throw a hat on to cover up my bed head).
Even though you can’t see it because it’s dark, I am at my favorite place on earth.  I was at my beach house in Florida standing in the sand.  To me, there are only a few things better than being on the beach at night, whether I’m just lying there, walking down it, or doing nothing at all.  I wish the picture was during the day because the back drop is amazing.
I am smiling because I am a very happy person.  I am very fun and love to have a good time.  There are only a few pictures of me because I rarely slow down for one to be taken.  The activities I enjoy doing are running, which even when a picture of me is taken it looks awful, and the outdoors when pictures aren’t really taken.  So because of that there aren’t many pictures to choose from.  And I don’t take pictures of myself because I’m not a girl.
But in conclusion, the facebook picture captures very little about me, but that explains a lot about me.  I’d much rather people find out about me through getting to know me and not through a picture.  So I guess since I have to have a facebook account this is a fitting picture for my profile.

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