Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebook Profile blog - Shelby Stephens

My Facebook profile picture is one of my boyfriend Alan and me at tailgating before the Clemson vs. Carolina game. From this picture, one can infer many things about both me and my life. The message of my profile picture is that I am a Clemson University student and Clemson football fan, I have an amazing boyfriend who I enjoy spending time with, and that I am involved in social networking sites.
Most predominant in my picture is Clemson University’s Memorial Stadium, otherwise known as Death Valley. There are many people bustling around in the background, lining up to see Tiger Walk. The orange and purple jacket I am wearing, along with my purple shirt clearly show that I support Clemson University, and that I am not at the game as a visitor. If the viewer of the picture notes that I appear to be college-aged, they would probably correctly assume that I am also a Clemson University student.
The most notable and important part of the picture is the two people in the foreground. If the person viewing my Facebook profile picture did not know that Alan is my boyfriend, they would most likely be able to come to that conclusion based on our body language and posture, as well as our appearance. Just by looking at the picture, it is evident that we are both very comfortable with each other because we are sitting on top of his dad’s truck together and leaned in very close to each other, with my head resting on his. More evidence of our relationship is that his arm is around me and that we are both smiling and are happy to be enjoying each other’s company before the game. If someone who knows both me and my boyfriend well, they would note that he is actually smiling in this picture, which is often a miracle. The last conclusion that can be drawn about my boyfriend and me from this picture is that I have incredibly good taste, as my boyfriend is very handsome.
Lastly, this picture shows that I enjoy connecting myself to my friends through social networks. Clearly I would not have a Facebook profile if I did not like to keep up with my friends and family on the internet. If the person viewing my profile is familiar with Instagram, a picture editing and sharing site and app, then they would probably note that I have enhanced my picture through the use of different filters and effects, and that I must enjoy taking and editing pictures.

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