Monday, January 21, 2013

"Talk Nerdy To Me" - Jason Porter

With anything, communication is key. I have yet to find a situation in which silence was better than good old fashioned talking, except maybe for when you are in an elevator; it is best to stay silent in there because it is just awkward when people try to hold mini conversations in the 30 seconds it takes for the elevator to reach the desired floor. Anyhow, back to situations where communication is a good thing. One instance where communication is necessary is definitely in the ever-growing field of technology, as pointed out on the Ted Talks, “Talk Nerdy to Me”.  The speaker could not have been more correct when she stated that sometimes it is hard to relate to technological advancements and understand their significance due to the fact that it is simply difficult to even understand what the newly found technology does. One of the key things pointed out in her speech is that highly specialized jargon quite often hinders successful communication and because of that, something of great importance can simply be lost in translation. Though jargon may be appropriate in certain circumstances in which both parties understand it, most of the time, common folk have no clue what those big fancy words mean, and therefor find it very difficult to understand the personal relevance of new technological advancements. It isn’t that every day people are not interested in new technology or that they simply do not want it, it is just that sometimes it is difficult to understand what is out there without good communication being practiced and achieved. If all of the complex things that  scientists were trying to get across could just be simplified down to easy to understand terms, then there would be a much greater chance for successful communication and therefor there may be a greater chance for proper recognition for the scientist and the technological advancement as well.

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