Thursday, January 31, 2013

Christine "Monotasking"

I completely agree with this man's message to the audience. I get so annoyed at others as well as myself when we are so wrapped up in our iPhones that we don't even notice the little things anymore. I decided to monotask running to Fike. Usually I have headphones in and sometimes stop to text or change the song and whatnot. I found it very odd to run without music, but I kind of liked it. I became much more aware of my breathing habits while running and much more aware of the people around me. My footsteps could be heard by me and I was realizing that others could hear me running as well. I realized that often times while I was saying hey to people as I ran by I had been shouting before while I had my headphones in. I was able to take in more of my surroundings without being focused on my iPhone. My favorite class of last semester was Basic Yoga. My teacher was a free spirit and a wonderful woman who believed that technology was ruining our souls. She told us to come to her class, which was at 9 am, without looking at your phone. She said wake up to the sound of your soul, don’t check texts, social media or email before you come to class. She wanted us all to walk with our senses fully engaged in what was right under our nose. While there was no way of her ever knowing if we checked our phones every morning, I challenged myself to do so and I learned to love it. Often times after class I would have tons of texts emails and calls I missed but I wouldn’t care because my morning had been peaceful. It alarms me to see the amount of people who walk around with their face in their iPhone screen completely shutting out the world. Everyone thinks oh I don’t do that, but everyone does it including me. The other day I saw three girls sitting at lunch not speaking all on their phones faces down only taking their eyes off their phones to take bites. I think our generation is pathetic because we are all becoming socially awkward and impolite because everyone is paying way too much attention to what is going on in their own cyber world. Honestly I couldn’t even write this entire blog post without stopping to text more than once! It’s ridiculous and it needs to stop!

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