Sunday, January 27, 2013

Christine LaBarbera Facebook profile

My Facebook profile picture was taken at Clemson on the quad on a game day. I am with one of my friends from my hall and we are both posing the same way and smiling for the camera. I think the message of my photo is that I simply love Game Days at Clemson and that I like to get dressed up for them and tailgate. The caption on my photo is "Game daze". I thought this was kind of a clever way to convey the fact that game days for me are like a whole different world. It's a play on words that tells how I am in a daze of enjoyment on game days. It is a sunny beautiful day outside and I am wearing sunglasses and a smile. This tells people I am a happy girl, having fun and enjoying my college experience. It is a posed picture where both of us are in dresses looking put together. My hope is that this conveys that I have class and am well put together especially on game days. We are both wearing orange and I think this shows our school spirit and excitement for coming together as a school and representing Clemson in a beautiful way. I am wearing jewelry, and a dress thus conveying I go to a southern school unlike where I am from, because we dress up for football games. Also it is now February and this photo is resurfacing as my profile picture showing that I miss football season and warm weather. The most important criteria that I have when choosing a profile picture is that I am smiling! I always want to convey the message that I am happy and having fun in my pictures because I am a happy person and I want the world to know that about me.

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