Monday, January 28, 2013

Barney Williams Facebook Profile Picture


          My facebook profile picture was taken on New Years Eve after the ball had dropped down in Charleston South Carolina. We were at a farm until the sun rose. If I had of put a caption on the picture I would have simply put "good times with good people." Not only would this be the caption of the image but it is also what I believe is the overall message that is conveyed as well. Three main aspects back this statement up: body language, facial expressions, and champagne, respectively.  The pose that each of us chose to take for the camera sends out a vibe that can be described as care-free, wild, as well as fun and goofy among other things. The facial expressions go along with the body language in that each sends the same goofy, care-free vibe. The champagne in the picture is a classic drink for celebrations and without its presence the picture would lose a key aspect of the night, that it was indeed a celebration. With these three main characteristics of the picture the main idea of the night, "good times with good people", can easily be depicted and understood. Obviously there are other features, slightly overshadowed by the main aspects of the picture that add to the message that the image conveys. The crisp black background shows that the picture was taken outside and the clothes worn by the three of us simply show that not only was it cold as most new year eves are but that it was also a special night in that we were all dressed up in clothes that are not merely worn for no reason. To sum it up that night could be written about but I do firmly believe that the picture speaks louder than any words could. It simply conveys to the viewer that the night was a celebration of good times, good people, and a happy new year. 

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