Sunday, January 13, 2013

The advertisement I chose was one done by Covergirl cosmetics. This brand uses brand name recognition when they put their company name in caps at the top of the ad. Then they use endorsement by Taylor Swift to reach a specific target market. By featuring Taylor Swift, who is an extremely popular singer, Covergirl is showing that Taylor uses their products and everyone else should as well. Young girls see Taylor Swift as a role model; they want to be just like her. They want to wear what she wears, and this includes make up products. Covergirl capitalizes on this and is using Taylor as an endorser for persuasive reasons. The bottom of the ad uses the phrases “a breath of fresh air” and “light-as-air feel” to convey a natural and beautiful feel to the audience. The visual rhetoric is used in order to feature Taylor, the brand name, and a description and picture of the product. The ad refers to the makeup as “silk foundation” these free spirited and natural words and phrases are used in connection with Taylor Swift’s beautiful and peaceful connotation. Covergirl is targeting young girls and the ad says “you can be as confident, successful and beautiful as Taylor Swift if you use this product.” This evokes a sense of jealousy and envy within young girls and as they go to choose their brand of makeup they are going to remember Taylor’s face, and the brand that she endorses. This is extremely effective strategizing and will increase customer loyalty simply by using Taylor to sell their product for them. Also this ad uses a color scheme that is natural and beautiful. The light green and nude colors connote a healthy, long and beautiful life. The light green brings out Taylor’s pale and flawless complexion thus persuading young women that they too can have her complexion with the use of Covergirl products.

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