Monday, January 21, 2013

Try to Catch Me Ridin' Nerdy

            The “Talk Nerdy To Me” TEDTalk was very insightful. I notice how people who are specialized in certain fields tend to talk as if everyone they are communicating with are also specialized in that area and know the “lingo” of their field. When I heard this talk, my thoughts immediately drifted back to my days in high school, specifically my Calculus class. I had a teacher, a ceramic engineer, who was a prime example of a man who has more knowledge than anyone I know, but cannot communicate it properly. It did not help his case that his voice was very monotonous, or that he was significantly older than us.
            A typical day in class would consist of an introductory joke about something he learned while getting his PhD.  No one laughed at him because we had no idea what he was talking about. Next, he would begin to teach the class. Again, referring to things that were way over our heads, he would assume that we have all had the same experiences that he has had, and expect us to know all of the big terms that he would use to communicate. Needless to say, I did not learn much from him during his lectures.
            I feel that the principles of communication that were taught in this TEDTalk need to be practiced in the classroom. Professors are some of the most intelligible people in the world, and with a few adjustments to their communication skills, they can make a big difference in the academic world. Not to mention, it would make learning for the students much easier. There does not need to be a language barrier between students and the professors.
            It was mentioned that whoever is talking does not need to “dumb down” the topic they are speaking on, it is very possible to communicate on an intelligible manner. As I stated earlier, this TEDTalk took my thoughts back to the classroom. That is one area of application that could relate to this video.

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