Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Annemarie Holbrook Facebook Profile Picture

My Facebook profile picture is a picture of my boyfriend, Adam, and me. This picture of us was taken on a beach in Nantucket. We went on vacation there last summer for a week and it was absolutely beautiful. The picture was taken on the beach at sunset. The setting tells the viewers that I enjoy the beach. The water in the back looks fairly calm. The sun is falling into the ocean, making the sky vibrant colors. The sand beneath our feet looks inviting as if you want to stick your toes in the sand. Instead of posing for the camera it was a “candid” photo making it more easy going to match the background.
            An amateur took this photo. Following the article about amateur’s breaking the rule about photography, this is a perfect example. Photographers have been taught to always put the subject in the center. In this picture, taken by my boyfriend’s brother, we are off center. The amateur aspect captured us in the moment. He took many pictures and caught us laughing and talking in this particular one. By doing this he was able to capture many different aspects they may have been missed by a professional who sets up a posed picture.
            The mood of the picture is happy. An onlooker would assume an endearing relationship between my boyfriend and I. It can be seen that we care about each other and are interested in each other more than our surroundings. It also says that the boy, assumed to be my boyfriend, and I are happy.
            People that appear in other people’s profile pictures on Facebook are usually important to that person. They are important enough to be seen representing their profile and activity on Facebook. This holds true for my picture. As any viewer can infer from this picture, my boyfriend means a lot to me.
            The basic outline of this picture’s reflection of myself is, I am an easy going, happy, endearing person who has a boy I care about.

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