Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sadie M. : Facebook Profile Picture

In the 7th grade I watched and fell in love with the movie "Music and Lyrics", and more specifically the character of Cora Corman. I didn't like her music or the way she dressed or really anything having to do with her personality. Admittedly, I shallowly and superficially fell in love with her hair. It was blonde, layered, wavy and almost down to her hips, basically, everything I ever hoped my hair would be. At the time, I had a short, flat bob that didn't seem to grow no longer how long I waited or how much I prayed. I "longed" for long, flowing, pop-star-esque hair. It wasn't until almost 6 years later that I realized I'd practically achieved my dream without even trying. I was standing in my empty garage while at home over Thanksgiving break when my cousin called my name and I looked over at her. She snapped a picture before I could even process the situation. Anyone who knows me well knows that I absolutely hate having pictures taken, so it's obvious that I wasn't too happy about my cousin snapping a not-so-candid shot of me sans makeup and wearing a "Northface" fleece and sweatpants. Later, however, when I got a chance to look at the picture, I was pleasantly surprised. For one of the first times, I actually liked what I saw. Instead of crooked teeth and messy hair and the overall awkward and un-photogenic version of myself that usually shows up, I saw someone tall and confident and almost model-esque. Something else jumped out at me as well; something I hadn't thought about in years: I have Cora Corman's hair! I did it! This photo represents the fact that I've slowly learned to accept myself (and I've even found some confidence along the way!) and that although it might not seem like the biggest accomplishment, I am unbelievably proud of my hair. I'd sure like to have Haley Bennet's face and body too, but in my facebook profile picture, although I may be wearing a jacket and sweatpants, I sure feel like my own kind of pop-star.

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