Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dr. Pepper Ten is "not for women"

The advertisement I chose to analyze was the new Dr. Pepper Ten commercial, which is a new ten-calorie version of the Dr. Pepper soft drink.  This new product carries the macho slogan "it's not for women."  After searching online, I found that the advertisers chose to use this slogan because it has been shown that men tend to avoid "diet" sodas.  However, it is my belief, that by directing this slogan towards men, it has not only attracted male consumers, but also female consumers.
Many hidden persuasive characteristics lie within this particular advertisement.  Pathos is especially prevalent in the Dr. Pepper Ten ad.  Pathos is shown when the audience is put in a particular mood or frame of mind due to the visual rhetoric.  By suggesting that the particular soft drink is solely for men and “not for women”, this makes women more compelled to try the drink by possibly angering them or challenging them.  Women believe that by purchasing the drink they are, in fact, acting rebelliously and they feel better about themselves.  Pathos also affects male viewers because the ad makes men feel manlier for drinking Dr. Pepper Ten.  Perhaps men even feel privileged for being able to drink this exclusive product, which is “just for men.”
Another persuasive characteristic shown in the commercial is ethos and it can be seen in a few different forms.  By using the Dr. Pepper logo, the advertisers are attracting consumers who are long time supporters of the company.  This one simple brand logo transmits the entire reputation off the company, and therefore promotes the product.  Kairos is also seen in a modern context in this advertisement.  In today’s society, there is a strong need for men to feel masculine and in control.  This ad is completely directed at that aspect of the world today.  The new Dr. Pepper Ten commercial shows a few very good examples of persuasive characteristics.

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