Sunday, January 13, 2013

Here We Go Bud Light Commercial Super Bowl XLVI (46)

Here We Go Bud Light Commercial Super Bowl XLVI (46)

By Hunter Fields

I chose the Here We Go commercial from Bud Light to do my blog on because it was one of my favorite commercials from Super Bowl XLVI. I also believe Bud Light does a great job with branding, and making sure people know and understand their slogans.  While analyzing this commercial and searching for the “whys” I made a lot of key observations.  The main observation I made was that Bud Light used a lot of rhetorical strategies and logical fallacies to appeal to a lot of people and get their product sold.

The rhetorical strategies used in the commercial where pathos and ethos. A patho is used to establish a personal connection with the audience’s emotions.  Bud Light used things like a cute hard working little dog to appeal to the female audience and get the awws. They also used attractive women to attract the male audience.  They then “killed two birds with one stone” multiple times by making their commercial take place at an out door party to attract the younger generation and they incorporated a since of sex to hit that part of ones feelings.  An etho on the other hand is used to give the commercial a since of goodwill. Bud Light established that since by having the actor mention “its a rescue dog”. By having that actor say that you have now stated that your company supports rescue dogs. This then appeals to the animal lovers emotions and then becomes a patho. This also shows us that Bud Light is not a heart less company an actually cares about other things other than their bottom line.

Along with all the goods I found one bad thing that stood out in my mind. Although having the rescue dog in the commercial was good to show that your company supports rescue dogs and helps your branding by naming it We Go if you think about it it’s a sad thing as well. Here is this rescue dog that is named We Go and all it knows how to do is get beer for people. That kind of makes me feel bad that this dog is doing work for lazy Americans haha. But all in all I think the commercial is awesome and I would totally buy the product if it were legal for me to purchase.

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