Monday, January 28, 2013

FB profile picture - Erika Funke

My Facebook profile picture is a picture of me snowboarding in West Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Is there a message along with this picture you ask? A couple of weeks ago I would say no. But after being in this English 103 class I have realized that there probably is an underlying message attached with this picture.
My picture allows others to see that I love to snowboard. Also, there is nobody else on the hill I am about to go down… except for me and my brother, who was taking the picture. This may show my level of experience as being much higher than those people in the state of West Virginia. Also one might interpret this picture as showing my love for the out doors and staying in shape.
In my picture I am holding up the “rock on” sign. This allows the viewer to see my daring nature and fun personality. I am also wearing pink snow pants showing my feminine side within the sport of snowboarding. My snowboard also reflects my personality. I am in love with this snowboard I received for Christmas last year it is a Roxy 2012 Ollie Pop snowboard. The colors and images reflect my taste in objects. The size of my snowboard also reflects that I am probably just using this for free riding versus doing any tricks or going through difficult terrain.
Over all this picture is very simple, but reflects my simple personality. Like snowboarding I like to go fast and live life in the moment with unexpected twists and turns. That ending statement sounds cheesy but is generally true. Maybe one day Olympic gold medalist Shaun White will notice this picture and come shred some slopes with me then ask me to be his wife. That is all.

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