Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Talk Nerdy to Me"- Barney Williams

          Melissa Marshall uses her time on the TEDTalk video to discuss use of jargon when pertaining to scientific explanations. Through emphasizing the importance of communication she hones in on the divide that jargon causes, specifically between the science world and regular people. The main idea portrayed is to simply put information into terms and ideas that can be analyzed and understood by both groups.
          The concept that she presents is one that immediately attracts attention due it being such a universal issue. When we viewed the video my first thought that came to mind was the twitter account Ya Boy Bill Nye. Through the use of humor and terms that the average person would understand the tweets actually are factual just with different "perspectives". For example: "Shout out to the strong nuclear force for keeping atoms together like literally freaking glue of the universe I think its chill idk." Obviously Marshall's argument is on a bit more serious note but the concept is still fundamentally similar. I will have to say that I was disappointed to discover that there was no point of view given from the scientist's world. A simple understanding between the two groups is what is presented in the end, regardless of the mistakes and accomplishments Marshall exhibited was the message that hopefully both groups picked up on. An accomplishment that Marshall excelled on pertains to her ridicule of jargon with the exact opposite of it. Simply but brilliantly making her argument seem the easy choice.
          Marshall conducted a successful persuasive video broadcast from the average person point of view. Through the use of simplicity and humor among other things her argument excelled. Although she failed to give another perspective, her message was clean and to the point. Which in conclusion deem the argument worthy of watching and a success.

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