Thursday, January 24, 2013

Facebook Profile Picture --- Katie Anderson

     My current profile picture is a picture of my mom and I.  This picture was taken over the summer in the lobby of the hotel that we were staying at called The Westin, in Maui, Hawaii.  This was right after we had arrived from Greenville SC.  It had been a very long trip, but we were very excited to be there and were looking forward to getting to relax for a whole week.  This picture shows that it was a very beautiful day out because the sun is shining, the trees are very green and there are flamingos in the water behind us.  We are sitting under a covered area in the hotel lobby, but there were no windows blocking us from the outside.  As you can see, we are sitting around a pond. This pond eventually led to one of the pools on the hotel’s premises.   There were all sorts of fish in this pond along with numerous flamingos.  The background may not tell exactly where we are, but it helps to clarify what the day was like and how the weather was. Having this as my profile picture helps to share with my viewers that I am close to my mom and love to hang out with my family.  It also helps to show that I love the outdoors and up for new adventures, because you can add descriptions underneath your picture telling them what the picture represents.  You can also tell through my Mom’s and my smile that we are having a great time!  We know that we had just gotten there and we had much to look forward to.  This picture has been my Facebook profile picture for quite some time, because it helps me to remember this trip and it reminds me of the many great times we had while we were there. On the other hand, my brother and dad are not in this picture, but they were also there on the trip and helped to make it a wonderful trip!  When looking at someone’s Facebook profile picture, the viewers can often tell a lot about the individual because it is the picture that is representing you.     

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