Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Are School Uniforms Really Serving their Purpose?

           Although I have not quite made up my mind yet, I think I am going o do my research paper about the effects of school uniforms on children of all ages. I had school uniforms when I was in middle school, and I was often sent to the administrator’s offices for defiance. For this paper, I want to see if they really do what my administrators always told me they did. They told me it cut down bullying, saved money, and made more kids follow the rules. I know for me personally, that the only reason I was ever in their office was dress code “violations” that were only deemed as such because they decided that day that I shouldn’t be allowed to wear anything that made me a tiny little bit of an individual. So clearly, I would be on the side that all school uniforms are is another way of school systems controlling children and trying to make them conform to their ideas of “perfect students”. I have always wondered if I had to buy all of that terrible clothing, (we were only allowed to wear solid white, yellow, or navy polos and navy or khaki pants) that I would wear again for no reason, or to see if maybe it might’ve served a purpose to whomever it was that has tested it in the past. It is really hard to tell however because new kids are constantly coming in and one class is bound to be more defiant and one more well behaved than the other. I have always wondered if anyone had the research to back up wether or not school uniforms are good or bad, so that is what I have decided to write for my paper.

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