Monday, February 4, 2013


by Hunter Fields

For my monotasking experience I chose simply listening to music. One would think that listening to music would be easy to stay focused and not get distracted, well from my experience I can tell you it is very hard. While listening to my favorite country song I was checking Facebook, checking my phone, talking to my roommate singing, dancing, head bobbing, eating food and finally drinking mountain dew.

For me staying focused is really hard. I tend to get off track and start doing other things while trying to get the one thing I started on done. So trying to truly focus on one task was really hard. For me I really relate to music so that gives me a chance to think about things so from the get go I am already not focused on listening to the music but I am more focused on the meaning of the song as it relates to me. I also love country music so I tend to like to sing it. With singing brings more distraction. While singing I usually move my head to the beat and tap my feet and then move my arms in ways that relate to the song. I know it is wired but it is just what I do. While doing that my roommate wants to talk and I got thirsty to their goes more stuff to distract me. In all that I am completely distracted form purely listening to the music it self. I feel society has geared us that way though. Society now a days as got people doing so much as one time that it has in my opinion trained us a humans to not waste time doing one thing when you can do 3 things at the same time. In this aspect of things I believe that it would almost be wrong for someone to just do one thing at a time. But overall I have learned that I need to try to turn off social media and the phone for a bit and just enjoy life and stop trying to do 5 things at a time. 

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