Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My blog post this week will focus on a somewhat recent television show "RecruitingNation" and its discussion about the topic should athletes get paid at the college level.  This rhetorical source was found thinking about all the discussions that have been taped and recorded about analysts talking about the developing issue.  Throughout numerous Youtube searches I came across this video and it really brought me in as a fan to see what many different opinions are about the topic of playing players.  The topic also directly correlates with my topic because it is about it as well as a debate betweens sides which my argument holds up on.  The video has men from a a variety of different backgrounds talking about millions and millions of dollars to go to school and play football.The amounts of people who care about the topic are also in the millions watching every event that there favorite team plays in.  In the video it relates to money by proposing questions on where it goes now without paying the athletes.  The video states that the NCAA makes more money off of March Madness than all major professional playoff system in the United States of  America.  That is ridiculous amounts of money going to a multitude of different places.  The video has a specific social and cultural implication to all people who have grown in the era of intercollegiate athletics where many will ague for them to get paid they will be outnumbered by most in society who have watched student athletes play without getting paid for years and years. Within the source there are many different arguments pleading for and against my case.  The NCAA has done no wrongdoing so far for these student atheletes but it may change soon as they work so hard for their education and scholarship some want more money and all of the fame.  The importance of a college education in this day and age is incredible.

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU5zEYe7_PA

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