Monday, February 25, 2013

Chelsea Green-My Space Jam

I first saw this video at the beginning of this month and it has been a video that I’ve found myself going back to and watching over and over again. It’s so inspiring and it warms my heart to know that a kid has such an adult-like vision for our society. The pep talk really had me thinking about what I have done to impact the world and make a positive change to it. My answer is nonexistent as of now, but watching this video makes me want to be a better person for the sake of the world. For a while I’ve been a “boring person” as Kid President would call me and I haven’t really done much to change the world. My excuse has been, “I’m in college, I don’t have the time”, but I realized that anyone can make time for something they care about. The other day I got an email about being involved around campus and an interest meeting for Habitat For Humanity caught my eye. I guess this can be my Space Jam. I’ve always had a passion for helping others, but I simply never made the time to do so. In joining this organization, I hope to improve the lives of people who are less fortunate, and hopefully finally make some friends here who have the same passion of helping others that I have. I’ve done enough thinking about what I can do to better the world and myself I live in, now I want to put those thoughts into action. Just a small gesture could mean the world to someone and the thought of me contributing to the wellbeing of others warms my heart. A little goes a long way. Not everyone has to make huge changes to make a change in the world, but if everyone’s small efforts are combined, we can surely change the world together.

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