Thursday, February 14, 2013

Organic/Wholefoods Katie Anderson

     There are many rhetorical sources out there concerning organic foods and the importance of a wholefoods plant based diet.   Some of these include, Super Size Me, Food Inc. and Forks Over Knives.  These are all movies that are focusing on the importance of our health and they are primarily focusing on how unhealthy America and the world is becoming and how to solve this problem through a plant based and wholefoods diet.  I will likely cite all of these sources, but the one that I will be focusing on in this blog is Forks Over Knives.  As we had mentioned in class this film is very biased towards their own opinion, which was that in order to become or stay healthy, like much of society many years ago, we must develop a whole foods diet.  When they mention a wholefoods diet, they are referring to eating primarily fruits and vegetables.  Within the past ten years my Mom has become more aware of her diet.  This is not because she was unhealthy; health just seemed to have caught her attention and in turn she has encouraged our whole family to become more cautious of what we may be eating.  My mom has also read the China Study by Dr. Campbell mentioned throughout Forks Over Knives, and through it, she learned how milk and dairy products can cause osteoporosis.  When my brother and I were kids, we used to drink milk at every meal!  Now, we do not have any milk in our house.  Instead, we have soy and almond milk.  Researchers have found that soymilk can eventually lead to breast cancer for women, which is why we also have almond milk.  I honestly do not taste a difference between regular, Low Fat, milk and almond milk, but soymilk on the other hand has a different taste, but if you get the vanilla flavor, it is bearable.  We also do not have regular cheese.  At our house, we have goat cheese.  To me it tastes just as good, if not better!  Eating healthy is very important to me and has been for quite a while and through this research paper I will be able to learn even more about how to stay healthy and eating right. 
 Forks Over Knives. Dir. Lee Fulkerson. Prod. Corry John. Perf. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D and     
              Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. Monica Beach Media, 2011. DVD.

Campbell, T. Colin, and Thomas M. Campbell II. The China Study. Dallas: Benbella,

            2006. Print.

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