Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Non-Verbal Communication

An important aspect of non-verbal communication, one that I think is often forgotten, is its use in media. With  movies and television shows being as popular as they are, we see tons of non verbal communication in the news and in our favorite things to watch. One very important thing actors are constantly learning to utilize is how to communicate with an audience and get a message across non-verbally. The most skilled actors can convey a message without saying a single word. They might also be able to deliver a line many different ways based on certain non verbal cues such as facial expression and posture.
Even when we watch movies in other languages, non-verbal communication is something that can be understood by all. This video takes short clips from famous movies and uses them to explain how non-verbal actions and cues can convey a multitude of attitudes and messages such as attraction, wonder, understanding, curiosity, pride, anger, love and happiness without the utterance of a single word.
I feel like this video is a very good source because it gives very short but clear examples of many different emotions that are conveyed non-verbally but easily understood. I hope to use at least of few of the clips as examples of non-verbal communication in my paper.
Surprisingly, it was much easier to find scholarly sources for this subject than to find rhetorical sources. However, this video gave me another idea for my paper. It never occurred to me just how much non-verbal communication plays a role in acting, but considering what a big part of our culture movies and television shows are, I think it would be appropriate to incorporate that idea into my paper. This day in age even infants are exposed to television and movies, and I think it would be interesting to examine the ways in which the media is shaping and maybe even changing our idea of non-verbal cues.

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