Sunday, February 17, 2013

Buy Local!

"Pennsylvania Buy Fresh Buy Local." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

            Buy fresh by local represents my topic and side of the topic the best.  My topic is the benefits of keeping farming local over industrial. This image fits my topic and my side because it is promoting buying local buy first saying a benefit and then saying buying local. When it says this it means that when you buy fresh produce at an open-air market vs. buying at a BI-LO you are buying a fresher product. This image truly made my topic. I was undecided as to what to research and was having a hard time coming up with a good agriculture topic; soon as I saw this I was sold. The slogan buy fresh buy local is great and it gets the job done. This is a very well rounded image. I say this because it depicts ever aspect of farming form dairy to corn. This image plays a big part in the southern culture. The southern culture is all about everything country and farming is country. If I must say this image doesn’t represent any political view on the subject. But buying local is important. It keeps the land in the family, prevents governmental housing in the area, provides fresh produce, and land for animals. There is no opposing position stated in this image. If their was then you would see something about the pricing of the produce being high or it being inconvenient for them. This image is going to be great to use with my paper. This image has a social implication by saying that if you buy local then you have a chance to meet another grower in the area and meet new people. Over all this is a great image to use for my paper.

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