Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mono-tasking Katie Anderson

      “Forgetting Multi-tasking, try mono-tasking”, is a very relevant video to most, if not all of today’s society, especially for our generation.  Our generation consists of college students and those younger then us and even many of our parents.  In today’s society, many people feel as though in order to get all that you had planned to complete done in one day, multi-tasking must constantly occur.   As we all know, Paolo Cardini mentioned that we should try mono-tasking which is a very good idea for today’s society.  I feel as though if we begin to mono-task, we really begin to appreciate what we are currently doing and we begin to really focus on the task at and, having few distractions.  For example, when I go to exercise in a gym, there are many people who will bring their iPods or watch the television screens that are in front of them in order to pass the time, but I personally like to just exercise with no iPod or television.  There are many reasons for this, but I feel as though there can be times when you are isolating yourself when you are focused on your electronic device and can be missing much that goes on around you.  Also, if someone were trying to get your attention, you will likely not be able to hear him or her because you will have headphones in and will not be able to hear much of anything other then your music.  Along with exercising in the gym, when you are exercising outside, I especially do not like to listen to my iPod, because you are more focused on the music rather than the things around. To me, mono-tasking while exercising is very enjoyable and relaxing because you are just appreciating everything around you that God has created.  There is so much of God’s beauty around you that you can appreciate when you go outside and walk or run.  Mono-tasking is a great way for you to be able to focus on one thing at a time and to complete the task at hand 100%, rather than spreading yourself too thin and only partially completing multiple tasks.  Mono-tasking is very difficult for Americans to do and we honestly would probably not have nearly as many devices that we currently have if it weren’t for multi-tasking, but mono-tasking is an activity that everyone should try to do every once in a while in order to appreciate and focus more on what they are doing.

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