Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kid President- Christine

I really enjoyed this video and its methods of inspiring our youth. The kid reminds me a lot of my best friend who says she’s going to run for president someday. She talks about her campaign and what she’d do as president all the time and I think it’s hilarious, but I know that’s her space jam. For me, the parts of the video that stuck out most were when the kid was saying that we need to stop being boring. He said were not going to accomplish anything if we keep sitting here. I took these words to heart because he’s right. I feel like everyday everyone just tries to be normal, act, think, and look normal. Well normal is extremely boring, and our kid president told us to stop being boring. My space jam going to be for me to get more involved in world travel. I want to make lifelong friends across the world. I know from experience that travel is the most rewarding thing in the world and I just want to continue to share my culture with others while absorbing other’s cultures. I need to seriously get off this computer and walk to the study abroad office right now. I want to spend at least three semesters abroad, especially summers. Getting involved with travel groups and meeting new people from around the world just makes me feel well rounded and experienced. I want to see the points of view of people across the globe and the only way to truly do so is by experiencing their lives first hand, by traveling. My goal is to learn to say “yes” more often. When offered any opportunity I am no longer going to wait for someone else to take it. I am going to say yes to any opportunity that could possibly get me involved and meeting new and diverse people. I want to “give the world a reason to dance” and I want to do so by showing the rest of the world the American dance, while also learning theirs.

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